Ham & Beans
After driving through the "hams" of Easthams, Chathams, Hinghams, and the "mouths" of Heymouths, Plymouths and Yarmouths, I finally get to Beantown. Finding myself on the wrong side of the Charles River (again), I look up and spot the flickering lights of the brazenly awkward neon CITGO sign. Not quite Lady Liberty, Eiffel, or Ben - just purely Boston and that's the natural beauty of this iconic structure.
Cemented into the hearts and memories of all souls who have traveled through the scholarly streets of Cambridge is Out of Town News. This is where musicians bellow and croon, visitors congregate before jumping on the red T line, locals become internationals, and cab drivers squat until their next ride. Sit, stare, fight, dream - done it all at the News.
The overly bright little bugger in front is Filbert the frog who traveled with me everywhere. He now has only 1 eye and lost his top hat. Sometimes traveling ain't easy...