Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Path of Lower Resistance

It's natural to take the path of least resistance. Rain trickles around puddled leaves and down to corner gutters. DSL connections work faster when the circuits don't have interference (from what I'm not sure but the technicians are quick to reconfigure this and reset that). I cross the street if a cluster of people are ahead of me and take the endless local roads of LA because the 405, 110, 710, 105, 10 and 5 are all one sun-drenched parking lot. Artists of various backgrounds venture into industrial, desolate areas like Williamsburg in search of space and savings. Trend starting yet trend hating. Dilapidated 2 family homes hiding under the dusty shadows of sleek luxury condos. Peter Luger tonight, D.O.C. tomorrow. And somewhere in between the dichotomy is a worn down path of lower resistance thanks to independents who explored here before me. Rock on Willy...

Monday, November 26, 2007

Noticing the other "Penn"

The "other" Pennsylvania Station, as in not NY's Penn Station, was about to be named the Ben Franklin Station, but was staring at a $3M price tag to merely change all the signs and I'm sure some politicky-tackiness, so Philly's Amtrak and Railroad station located on 30th St. wusiwig-ishly remained the 30th Street Station. I make every effort to combat the law of diminishing returns to appreciate the beauty of everyday-ness things and to notice that I'm noticing. This War Memorial honors the RR employees who died during WWII and is of the archangel Michael who is lifting a dead soldier out of the flames of war. I notice that I'm reminded of death. I notice that I'm alive and free to return to my Penn.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Ham & Beans

After driving through the "hams" of Easthams, Chathams, Hinghams, and the "mouths" of Heymouths, Plymouths and Yarmouths, I finally get to Beantown. Finding myself on the wrong side of the Charles River (again), I look up and spot the flickering lights of the brazenly awkward neon CITGO sign. Not quite Lady Liberty, Eiffel, or Ben - just purely Boston and that's the natural beauty of this iconic structure.

Cemented into the hearts and memories of all souls who have traveled through the scholarly streets of Cambridge is Out of Town News. This is where musicians bellow and croon, visitors congregate before jumping on the red T line, locals become internationals, and cab drivers squat until their next ride. Sit, stare, fight, dream - done it all at the News.

The overly bright little bugger in front is Filbert the frog who traveled with me everywhere. He now has only 1 eye and lost his top hat. Sometimes traveling ain't easy...

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Sun rises in the east...

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west so I thought it appropriate to follow our brightest star while visiting FINN's outposts. I started my cross country journey in what I think is the farthest eastern point within the US - Provincetown, MA. Quite the charming, historical town that bustled with pitter-patter activity in only the way a small town can.

While expressing my Polaroid photog skills, this P-Kitty followed me around relentlessly. She reminded me of a Hollywood startlet who claims to want privacy yet somehow always (accidentally) winds up crossing paths with a papparrazi's lens.

From this vantage point, the world looked simply linear - the water's horizon sliced squarely by the endless pier.

When in Rome.... I was told that Clem & Ursies is known for their lobster rolls and sundaes. Guess which local treat I opted for? Gi-normous one-size only sundaes of course.